It is with great sadness that we say goodbye to Pokémon servers for games like Pokémon X & Y as Nintendo will shutdown/discontinue all online services for the 3DS and Wii U. The official date of the pull was April 8th, 2024 at 5pm PDT. But we have heard some positive news; it seems like some users are reporting that they are able to still play their games without any interruption. On Twitter you can find some users urging others not to reset their Wii Us. And some users on 3DS were also surprised to be able to complete their online activities. From what you can find online, it seems like the moment players disconnected they were booted out.
It truly saddens us to hear that Pokémon will no longer be complete (without online capabilities). Who can forget Pokémon X & Y that debuted on Nintendo 3DS on October 12, 2013. This game marked the first true Pokémon game for the 3DS. Not only did the game use the 3DS’s 3D technology, but we were first introduced to Mega Evolutions. With X & Y also came the incorporation of Fairy-type Pokémon.
But in addition to the new types, Pokémon and evolutions, Pokémon changed the way we battled online. Before X & Y, we had to visit a Pokémon center to do anything online but this would all change. X & Y removed the need to visit a center and introduced us to the “Player Search System” (PSS). PSS would allow us to see which one of our friends were online and start a trade, battle, or a random voice chat. But the best part was the ability to pick up a battle with a random trainer around the world. PSS also connected us with nearby players that were labeled as “Passerby”s.
Like many of you, I spent many hours in the “Battle Spot.” I would prefer a free battle over a rating battle. For those that did not have the opportunity to play, free battle would allow a user to choose any Pokémon type and battle in a single, double, triple, or rotation. In a Rating battle, a trainer had to register with “Pokémon Global Link” before entering any match. Once registered, your rating was calculated by the number of wins, loss and number of battles. For this reason I stayed afar.
No one really knows why some players were able to continue to stay online, but some lucky ones were. If you are some of the lucky ones, consider this time sensitive and trade everything that may be considered valuable. There isn’t a set day when Nintendo/Pokémon will pull the plug, so be cautious.