This specific deck shows just how powerful Charizard ex can be when paired with cards that provide great defense and offense. With a line of 3 Charmanders-3 Charizard exs and a 2 Pidgey –2 Pidgeot Ex line paired with 4 copies Rare Candys and 4 copies of Arven the strategy is easy to maneuver. Have all your basic Pokémon set on your first turn, and evolve them on your second turn and start attacking.
This might seem a bit farfetch’d to achieve but with 1 copy of Rotom V, Mew Celebrations, Lumineon V, Forest Seal Stone, and Professors Research finding those key cards in pivotal moments becomes a bit easier to come across.
This specific decklist also includes tech cards for specific matchups like Jusitified gloves for the mirror matches, Vitality band to get the math just right when attacking with one of Charmanders. The Lost city stadium works to knock out and keep Pokémon out of play when going up against your mirror match or Miraidon ex. You also see a 1 copy of Collapsed Stadium to remove a heavily damaged Pokémon or just Lumineon V from your bench as it can be an easier two prize Pokémon your opponent can knock out.